Monday, September 07, 2009

Installing thunderbird on Jaunty Ubuntu Linux

sudo apt-get install thunderbird

Go to: Applications --> Internet --> Thunderbird

To login as root in Ubuntu Jaunty, do:
sudo bash
enter your user password when it prompts for password. You become root then.

Install vpn client on Ubuntu linux - jaunty

mkdir vpnclient

Change to that directory:

cd vpnclient

* Download cisco-decrypt file which will be used to decrypt the group password from your pcf file:


sudo apt-get install libgcrypt11-dev

gcc -Wall -o cisco-decrypt cisco-decrypt.c $(libgcrypt-config --libs --cflags)

chmod +x cisco-decrypt

sudo cp cisco-decrypt /usr/bin

* Download pcf2vpnc to convert pcf files in vpnc configuration format


chmod +x pcf2vpnc

sudo cp pcf2vpnc /usr/bin

* Go to windows vpn profiles directory and convert .pcf files to .conf files

pcf2vpnc cisco.pcf > cisco.conf

Note:replace above cisco.pcf with your own .pcf file.

sudo cp cisco.conf /etc/vpnc/

* install vpnc and connect to vpn

sudo apt-get install vpnc resolvconf

sudo vpnc cisco

Enter username for :
Enter password for :
VPNC started in background (pid: 6092)…

* To disconnect simply do

sudo vpnc-disconnect
